Source code for rcv.schedule

from .ballot import BallotSet
from .candidate import Candidate
from .values_dict import ValuesDict

[docs]class PreferenceSchedule: """A reduced preference schedule. The :meth:`from_ballots` method can be useful for creating a preference schedule from raw preference orderings: >>> PreferenceSchedule.from_ballots([ ... ("Amy", "Elizabeth", "Kirsten"), ... ("Amy", "Elizabeth", "Kirsten"), ... ("Amy", "Elizabeth", "Kirsten"), ... ("Kirsten", "Amy"), ... ("Elizabeth", "Kamala", "Kirsten"), ... ("Kamala", "Elizabeth"), ... ("Kamala", "Elizabeth"), ... ("Kamala", "Amy"), ... ("Kamala", "Amy"), ... ]) <PreferenceSchedule total_votes=9> You can also create the :class:`~rcv.BallotSet` beforehand and pass it directly to the constructor: >>> ballots = BallotSet({ ... (("Amy", "Elizabeth", "Kirsten"), 10), ... (("Kirsten", "Amy"), 20), ... (("Elizabeth", "Kamala", "Kirsten"), 15), ... (("Kamala", "Elizabeth"), 16), ... (("Kamala", "Amy"), 14), ... }) >>> PreferenceSchedule(ballots) <PreferenceSchedule total_votes=75> """ def __init__(self, ballots, candidates=None): """ :param ballots: the :class:`~rcv.BallotSet` holding all of the valid ballots cast in the election :param candidates: optionally, the :class:`Candidates <~rcv.Candidate>` up for election. If not provided, the candidates will be inferred from the names on the ballots. """ if candidates is None: names = {name for ballot, weight in ballots for name in ballot} candidates = {Candidate(name) for name in names} self.candidates = ValuesDict( {str(candidate): candidate for candidate in candidates} ) self.distribute_ballots(ballots) self.total_votes = sum(candidate.total_votes for candidate in self.candidates) def __repr__(self): return "<{} total_votes={}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, int(self.total_votes) ) def __iter__(self): return self.ballots @property def ballots(self): for candidate in self.candidates: for ballot in candidate.votes: yield ballot def remove_candidate(self, removed): for candidate in self.candidates: if candidate is not removed: candidate.votes = candidate.votes.eliminate(removed) removed.votes = BallotSet() del self.candidates[str(removed)] def distribute_ballots(self, ballots): for ballot, weight in ballots: if not ballot.is_empty: candidate = self.candidates[ballot.top_choice] candidate.votes.add(ballot, weight) def eliminate(self, eliminated): self.distribute_ballots(eliminated.votes.eliminate(eliminated)) self.remove_candidate(eliminated) @classmethod def from_ballots(cls, items): return cls(BallotSet.from_items(items))
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, df): """Create a preference schedule from a dataframe whose rows are ballots. That is, the first column is the first-ranked candidate for each ballot, the second is the second-ranked candidate, and so on. The preference orders are cleaned using :func:`normalize_preferences`. """ if df.isna().any().any(): df = df.fillna(False) grouped_ballots = df.groupby(list(df.columns)).size().items() return cls( BallotSet( ( (normalize_preferences(ballot), count) for ballot, count in grouped_ballots ) ) )
def normalize_preferences(choices): """Removes duplicates and drops falsy values from a single preference order.""" new_choices = [] for choice in choices: if choice and (choice not in new_choices): new_choices.append(choice) return new_choices