Source code for rcv.sampling

from .schedule import PreferenceSchedule
from .ballot import BallotSet

import numpy

[docs]class PreferenceSampler(dict): """ For sampling a :class:`~rcv.PreferenceSchedule` from a given :class:`~rcv.BallotSet`. """ def __init__(self, data): """ :param data: the ballots to sample from :type data: :class:`~rcv.BallotSet` """ ballots = BallotSet(data, weight_type=float) rankings, weights = zip(*ballots) self.rankings = rankings self.indices = numpy.arange(len(rankings)) self.p = numpy.asarray(weights) self.p /= numpy.sum(self.p) def __repr__(self): return "<PreferenceSampler rankings={} p={}>".format(self.rankings, self.p)
[docs] def sample(self, k): """ Sample ballots to produce a :class:`~rcv.PreferenceSchedule`. :param int k: the number of ballots to sample :return: a :class:`~rcv.PreferenceSchedule` holding the sampled preferences :rtype: rcv.PreferenceSchedule """ chosen = numpy.random.choice(self.indices, size=k, p=self.p) return PreferenceSchedule.from_ballots(self.rankings[index] for index in chosen)
@classmethod def from_units(cls, data, turnouts=None): if turnouts is None: turnouts = dict() all_ballots = BallotSet(weight_type=float) for unit, ballots in data.items(): all_ballots.update(ballots * turnouts.get(unit, 1)) return cls(all_ballots)